チャルメラの応募の景品です。広瀬すずちゃんをモチーフにした、すずネコのこえだちゃんが付いています。めっちゃ可愛いです。が、広瀬アリスに鞍替えしたので出品します。大切に遊んで頂ける方の手に渡れば幸いです。子どもが遊んだものですので、多少の痛みはありますが大きく目立つようなものはありません。私の主観ですので、神経質な方にはオススメしません。This is a prize for participating in a charamera event.Its a cute toy of Koeda-chan, a cat character inspired by Suzu Hirose. However, since she has switched to a different artist name, Alice Hirose, I am selling it.I would be happy if it goes to someone who will cherish it and play with it carefully. It has been played with by children, so there may be some signs of wear and tear, but nothing too noticeable. This is my subjective opinion, so I wouldnt recommend it to anyone who is overly sensitive.#広瀬すず#すずネコ#チャルメラ#Suzu Hirose#非売品#こえだちゃん#koeda chan